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[website] / dist / thymeleaf / projects.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html
3     xmlns=""
4     xmlns:layout=""
5     layout:decorator="/templates/layout"
6     th:with="title='Projects', uri='/projects.html'"
7     >
8   <head>
9     <title>Projects</title>
10     <!--/*-->
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18   <body thymeproxy:variables="MERGE:/thymeleaf/projects.json">
19     <main class="main" layout:fragment="maincontent">
20       <div class="pack bg cf">
21         <div class="p left">
22           <header><h1>Projects</h1></header>
23           <p>
24             The projects hosted on
25             <a href=""></a>
26             are all open source.
27           </p>
28           <p>
29             The complete source-code can be found either in
30             <a href="" title="Browse the git-repositories hosted on">our own git-repositories</a>
31             or on
32             <a href="" title="Browse our account on"></a>.
33           </p>
34         </div>
35         <div class="p right">
36           <h2>Hibernate Maven Plugin</h2>
37           <p>
38             The Hibernate Maven Plugin is a plugin for generating a database-schema from your Hibernate mappings.
39             Its main usage is to automatically create and populate a test-database for unit-tests.
40           </p>
41           <p><a href="/hibernate-maven-plugin/index.html" title="Visit the plugin-documentation">Learn more...</a></p>
42         </div>
43       </div>
44       <br />
45       <div class="pack bg cf">
46         <div class="p left">
47           <h2>Apache-Maven Thymeleaf-Skin</h2>
48           <p>
49             The maven-thymeleaf-skin gives you full control over the markup and styling of the project documentation, generated by the <code>site</code>-goal of your maven-projects.
50           </p>
51           <p><a href="/maven-thymeleaf-skin/index.html" title="Visit ">Learn more...</a></p>
52         </div>
53         <div class="p right">
54           <h2>Simple Mapper 4 JSON</h2>
55           <p>
56             The simple-mapper parses arbitrary JSON-data into a hierarchy of maps and lists, without any further configuration- or setup-requirements.
57           </p>
58           <p><a href="/simple-mapper/index.html" title="Visit ">Learn more...</a></p>
59         </div>
60       </div>
61     </main>
62   </body>
63 </html>