--- /dev/null
+ alter table Employee
+ drop constraint FK_12v0w2dqasbw95xtn8qc2uj83;
+ drop table ABTEILUNG if exists;
+ drop table Employee if exists;
+ create table ABTEILUNG (
+ OID bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1),
+ name varchar(255) not null,
+ primary key (OID)
+ );
+ create table Employee (
+ OID bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1),
+ name varchar(81) not null,
+ FK_department bigint,
+ primary key (OID)
+ );
+ alter table Employee
+ add constraint FK_12v0w2dqasbw95xtn8qc2uj83
+ foreign key (FK_department)
+ references ABTEILUNG;
--- /dev/null
+import de.juplo.test.FileComparator;
+FileComparator comparator = new FileComparator(basedir);
+if (!comparator.isEqual("schema.sql","schemaexport-example-persistence-impl/target/schema.sql"))
+ return false;