-Configuration Examples
+ ---
+ Configuration Examples
+ ---
+ Kai Moritz
+ ---
-* Configuration through a hibernate.properties-File
+Configuration through a hibernate.properties-File
The most simple way to configure the plugin is, to put all the
hibernate-configuration in a <<hibernate.properties>>-file on your
You never can overwrite them by accident when specifying a property on
the commandline or in your <<<settings.xml>>>.
-* Configuration through maven-properties
+Configuration through maven-properties
Alternatively, it is possible, to configure the plugin via maven-properties.
Each relevant configuration-option has a corresponding maven-property
-* Configuration through the plugin-configuration
+Configuration through the plugin-configuration
A third way for configuring the plugin is the plugin-configuration.
The relevant configuration-parameters are:
-A simple Plugin for generating a Database-Schema from Hibernate 4 Mapping-Annotations.
+ ---
+ A simple Plugin for generating a Database-Schema from Hibernate 4 Mapping-Annotations.
+ ---
+ Kai Moritz
+ ---
<<hibernate4-maven-plugin>> is a plugin for generating a database-schema
from your Hibernate-4-Mappings and create or update your database
For more information about the inspiration to write this tiny plugin,
{{{/hibernate4-maven-plugin-a-simple-plugin-for-generating-a-database-schema-from-hibernate-4-mapping-annotations/} read our blog-article about the hibernate4-maven-plugin}}.
-* Documentation
* See {{{./configuration.html} Configuration Examples}} for Usage-Explanations
and simple examples of how to use this plugin.
of the Hibernate-Tools <<<SchemaExport>>> and <<<SchemaUpdate>>>, that do
the work in the background.
-* Releases
* {{{http://juplo.de/hibernate4-maven-plugin} current version}}
-Known Pitfalls
+ ---
+ Known Pitfalls
+ ---
+ Kai Moritz
+ ---
-* hibernate4-maven-plugin always needs a database-connection
+hibernate4-maven-plugin always needs a database-connection
The default-configuration uses the EXPORT-target of the SchemaExport-Tool.
If you do not need to create a database with the evaluated schema, you can
But even when no database is to be created, hibernate always needs to know
the dialect. Hence, the plugin will fail if this parameter is missing!
-* Dependency for driver-class XYZ is missing
+Dependency for driver-class XYZ is missing
One regular problem is the scope of the jdbc-driver-dependency.
It is very unlikely, that this dependency is needed at compile-time.
Because otherwise, this dependency will unnecessarily bloat the
runtime-dependencies of your project.
-* DBUnit {fails} after execution of hibernate4 was skipped because nothing has changed
+DBUnit {fails} after execution of hibernate4 was skipped because nothing has changed
If hibernate4-maven-plugin skips its excecution, this may lead to errors in
other plugins.
-* The database will not be recreated after a manual drop/clean
+The database will not be recreated after a manual drop/clean
If one manually drops the database or removes the hsqldb-files, it will not
be recreated by the hibernate4-maven-plugin, because it cannot detect, that
mvn hibernate4:export -Dhibernate.export.force=true
-* The hibernate4:export goal is not executed, when tests are skipped
+The hibernate4:export goal is not executed, when tests are skipped
The hibernate4-maven-plugin automatically skips its execution, when
<<<maven.test.skip>>> is set to <<<true>>>. If you need it to be always
Background-information for this design-decission can be found on the extra
- page {{{./skip.html}To skip or not to skip: that is the question}}...
\ No newline at end of file
+ page {{{./skip.html}To skip or not to skip: that is the question}}...