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"/projects/typo.html": [
{ "uri": "/projects.html", "name": "Projects" },
{ "uri": "/projects/typo.html", "name": "Typography" }
+ ],
+ "/about.html": [
+ { "uri": "/about.html", "name": "About" }
+ ],
+ "/expertise.html": [
+ { "uri": "/about.html", "name": "About" },
+ { "uri": "/expertise.html", "name": "Expertise" }
+ ],
+ "/references.html": [
+ { "uri": "/about.html", "name": "About" },
+ { "uri": "/references.html", "name": "References" }
+ ],
+ "/contact.html": [
+ { "uri": "/about.html", "name": "About" },
+ { "uri": "/contact.html", "name": "Contact" }
"sections": {
"#": { "name": "accelerator" },
"/projects/typo.html": { "name": "Typography" }
+ },
+ "/about.html": {
+ "/expertise.html": {
+ "name": "Expertise",
+ "childs": {
+ }
+ },
+ "/references.html": {
+ "name": "References",
+ "childs": {
+ }
+ },
+ "/contact.html": { "name": "Contact" }