<li th:fragment="submenu(submenu, parent, pos)"
th:each="entry : ${submenu}"
- childs=${entry == parent ? null : _childs.get(entry)},
- leaf=${pos >= (len - 1)},
child=${pos == len},
selected=${!child and crumbs.get(pos) == entry},
+ leaf=${pos >= (len - 1) and not selected},
active=${entry == uri},
- sibling=${pos + 1 == len and (_childs.get(uri) == null or uri == parent)}
+ sibling=${pos + 1 == len and (_childs.get(uri) == null or uri == parent)},
+ childs=${entry == parent ? null : _childs.get(entry)}
class="s sub"
th:class="'s' + (${childs} ? ' sub' : '') + (${selected or sibling or child} ? '' : ' off')">