--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<taglib xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-jsptaglibrary_2_1.xsd"
+ version="2.1">
+ <description>JSTL 1.1 core library</description>
+ <display-name>JSTL core</display-name>
+ <tlib-version>1.1</tlib-version>
+ <short-name>c</short-name>
+ <uri>http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core</uri>
+ <validator>
+ <description>
+ Provides core validation features for JSTL tags.
+ </description>
+ <validator-class>
+ org.apache.taglibs.standard.tlv.JstlCoreTLV
+ </validator-class>
+ </validator>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Catches any Throwable that occurs in its body and optionally
+ exposes it.
+ </description>
+ <name>catch</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core.CatchTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the exported scoped variable for the
+exception thrown from a nested action. The type of the
+scoped variable is the type of the exception thrown.
+ </description>
+ <name>var</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Simple conditional tag that establishes a context for
+ mutually exclusive conditional operations, marked by
+ <when> and <otherwise>
+ </description>
+ <name>choose</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core.ChooseTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Simple conditional tag, which evalutes its body if the
+ supplied condition is true and optionally exposes a Boolean
+ scripting variable representing the evaluation of this condition
+ </description>
+ <name>if</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.IfTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+The test condition that determines whether or
+not the body content should be processed.
+ </description>
+ <name>test</name>
+ <required>true</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>boolean</type>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the exported scoped variable for the
+resulting value of the test condition. The type
+of the scoped variable is Boolean.
+ </description>
+ <name>var</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Scope for var.
+ </description>
+ <name>scope</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Retrieves an absolute or relative URL and exposes its contents
+ to either the page, a String in 'var', or a Reader in 'varReader'.
+ </description>
+ <name>import</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.ImportTag</tag-class>
+ <tei-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tei.ImportTEI</tei-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+The URL of the resource to import.
+ </description>
+ <name>url</name>
+ <required>true</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the exported scoped variable for the
+resource's content. The type of the scoped
+variable is String.
+ </description>
+ <name>var</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Scope for var.
+ </description>
+ <name>scope</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the exported scoped variable for the
+resource's content. The type of the scoped
+variable is Reader.
+ </description>
+ <name>varReader</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the context when accessing a relative
+URL resource that belongs to a foreign
+ </description>
+ <name>context</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Character encoding of the content at the input
+ </description>
+ <name>charEncoding</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ The basic iteration tag, accepting many different
+ collection types and supporting subsetting and other
+ functionality
+ </description>
+ <name>forEach</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.ForEachTag</tag-class>
+ <tei-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tei.ForEachTEI</tei-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Collection of items to iterate over.
+ </description>
+ <name>items</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>java.lang.Object</type>
+ <deferred-value>
+ <type>java.lang.Object</type>
+ </deferred-value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+If items specified:
+Iteration begins at the item located at the
+specified index. First item of the collection has
+index 0.
+If items not specified:
+Iteration begins with index set at the value
+ </description>
+ <name>begin</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+If items specified:
+Iteration ends at the item located at the
+specified index (inclusive).
+If items not specified:
+Iteration ends when index reaches the value
+ </description>
+ <name>end</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Iteration will only process every step items of
+the collection, starting with the first one.
+ </description>
+ <name>step</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the exported scoped variable for the
+current item of the iteration. This scoped
+variable has nested visibility. Its type depends
+on the object of the underlying collection.
+ </description>
+ <name>var</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the exported scoped variable for the
+status of the iteration. Object exported is of type
+javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagStatus. This scoped variable has nested
+ </description>
+ <name>varStatus</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Iterates over tokens, separated by the supplied delimeters
+ </description>
+ <name>forTokens</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.ForTokensTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+String of tokens to iterate over.
+ </description>
+ <name>items</name>
+ <required>true</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>java.lang.String</type>
+ <deferred-value>
+ <type>java.lang.String</type>
+ </deferred-value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+The set of delimiters (the characters that
+separate the tokens in the string).
+ </description>
+ <name>delims</name>
+ <required>true</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>java.lang.String</type>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Iteration begins at the token located at the
+specified index. First token has index 0.
+ </description>
+ <name>begin</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Iteration ends at the token located at the
+specified index (inclusive).
+ </description>
+ <name>end</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Iteration will only process every step tokens
+of the string, starting with the first one.
+ </description>
+ <name>step</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the exported scoped variable for the
+current item of the iteration. This scoped
+variable has nested visibility.
+ </description>
+ <name>var</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the exported scoped variable for the
+status of the iteration. Object exported is of
+Status. This scoped variable has nested
+ </description>
+ <name>varStatus</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Like <%= ... >, but for expressions.
+ </description>
+ <name>out</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.OutTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Expression to be evaluated.
+ </description>
+ <name>value</name>
+ <required>true</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Default value if the resulting value is null.
+ </description>
+ <name>default</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Determines whether characters <,>,&,'," in the
+resulting string should be converted to their
+corresponding character entity codes. Default value is
+ </description>
+ <name>escapeXml</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Subtag of <choose> that follows <when> tags
+ and runs only if all of the prior conditions evaluated to
+ 'false'
+ </description>
+ <name>otherwise</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core.OtherwiseTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Adds a parameter to a containing 'import' tag's URL.
+ </description>
+ <name>param</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.ParamTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the query string parameter.
+ </description>
+ <name>name</name>
+ <required>true</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Value of the parameter.
+ </description>
+ <name>value</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Redirects to a new URL.
+ </description>
+ <name>redirect</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.RedirectTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+The URL of the resource to redirect to.
+ </description>
+ <name>url</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the context when redirecting to a relative URL
+resource that belongs to a foreign context.
+ </description>
+ <name>context</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Removes a scoped variable (from a particular scope, if specified).
+ </description>
+ <name>remove</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core.RemoveTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>empty</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the scoped variable to be removed.
+ </description>
+ <name>var</name>
+ <required>true</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Scope for var.
+ </description>
+ <name>scope</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Sets the result of an expression evaluation in a 'scope'
+ </description>
+ <name>set</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the exported scoped variable to hold the value
+specified in the action. The type of the scoped variable is
+whatever type the value expression evaluates to.
+ </description>
+ <name>var</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Expression to be evaluated.
+ </description>
+ <name>value</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <deferred-value>
+ <type>java.lang.Object</type>
+ </deferred-value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Target object whose property will be set. Must evaluate to
+a JavaBeans object with setter property property, or to a
+java.util.Map object.
+ </description>
+ <name>target</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the property to be set in the target object.
+ </description>
+ <name>property</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Scope for var.
+ </description>
+ <name>scope</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Creates a URL with optional query parameters.
+ </description>
+ <name>url</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.UrlTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the exported scoped variable for the
+processed url. The type of the scoped variable is
+ </description>
+ <name>var</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Scope for var.
+ </description>
+ <name>scope</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+URL to be processed.
+ </description>
+ <name>value</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+Name of the context when specifying a relative URL
+resource that belongs to a foreign context.
+ </description>
+ <name>context</name>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+ <tag>
+ <description>
+ Subtag of <choose> that includes its body if its
+ condition evalutes to 'true'
+ </description>
+ <name>when</name>
+ <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.WhenTag</tag-class>
+ <body-content>JSP</body-content>
+ <attribute>
+ <description>
+The test condition that determines whether or not the
+body content should be processed.
+ </description>
+ <name>test</name>
+ <required>true</required>
+ <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
+ <type>boolean</type>
+ </attribute>
+ </tag>
+++ /dev/null
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- -->
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- <version>${aspectj.version}</version>
- <scope>runtime</scope>
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