@DisplayName("A message can be put into a newly created chat-room")
void testPutMessageInNewChatRoom() throws IOException
+ ChatRoomInfoTo chatRoomInfo;
+ do
+ {
+ // The first request creates a new chat-room
+ // It must be repeated, until a chat-room was created,
+ // that is owned by the instance
+ chatRoomInfo = webTestClient
+ .post()
+ .uri("http://localhost:{port}/create", port)
+ .contentType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
+ .bodyValue("bar")
+ .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ .exchange()
+ .returnResult(ChatRoomInfoTo.class)
+ .getResponseBody()
+ .retry(30)
+ .blockFirst();
+ }
+ while(!(chatRoomInfo.getShard() == null || chatRoomInfo.getShard().intValue() == 2));
+ UUID chatRoomId = chatRoomInfo.getId();
.untilAsserted(() ->
- // The first request creates a new chat-room
- ChatRoomInfoTo chatRoomInfo = webTestClient
- .post()
- .uri("http://localhost:{port}/create", port)
- .contentType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
- .bodyValue("bar")
- .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
- .exchange()
- .expectStatus().isOk()
- .returnResult(ChatRoomInfoTo.class)
- .getResponseBody()
- .blockFirst();
- // It must be repeated, until a chat-room was created,
- // that is owned by the instance
- assertThat(chatRoomInfo.getShard()).isIn(2, null);
- chatRoomInfo.getId())
+ chatRoomId)
.bodyValue("Hello world!")