if [ "$1" = "cleanup" ]
docker-compose exec cli cub kafka-ready -b kafka:9092 1 60 > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1
docker-compose up setup
docker-compose up -d producer consumer
-sleep 5
+until [[ $(http 0:8080/actuator/health 2> /dev/null) =~ "UP" ]]; do echo "Waiting for the producer..."; sleep 1; done
+echo 'Hallo Welt!' | http -v :8080/peter
+echo peter | http -v :8080/
+http -v PUT :8080/peter
docker-compose exec -T cli bash << 'EOF'
echo "Writing poison pill into topic test..."
# tag::poisonpill[]
echo 'BOOM!' | kafkacat -P -b kafka:9092 -t test
# end::poisonpill[]
-while [[ $(http 0:8081/actuator/health 2> /dev/null) =~ "UP" ]]; do echo "Consumer is still running..."; sleep 1; done
-http -v :8081/actuator/health
-echo "Restarting consumer"
-http -v post :8081/start
-while ! [[ $(http 0:8081/actuator/health 2> /dev/null) =~ "UP" ]]; do echo "Waiting for consumer..."; sleep 1; done
-while [[ $(http 0:8081/actuator/health 2> /dev/null) =~ "UP" ]]; do echo "Consumer is still running..."; sleep 1; done
+until [[ $(http 0:8081/actuator/health 2> /dev/null) =~ "UP" ]]; do echo "Waiting for the consumer..."; sleep 1; done
+sleep 5
+http -v :8081/seen
http -v :8081/actuator/health
-http -v post :8081/actuator/shutdown
-docker-compose stop producer
+docker-compose stop producer consumer
docker-compose ps
-docker-compose logs --tail=100 consumer
+docker-compose logs consumer
+docker-compose exec -T cli bash << 'EOF'
+echo "Messages in topic \"test\":"
+kafkacat -C -b kafka:9092 -t test -o 0 -e
+echo "Messages in topic \"dlq\":"
+kafkacat -C -b kafka:9092 -t dlq -o 0 -e
command: sleep infinity
- image: juplo/endless-producer:1.0-SNAPSHOT
+ image: juplo/springified-producer:1.0-SNAPSHOT
- 8080:8880
- image: juplo/endless-consumer:1.0-SNAPSHOT
+ image: juplo/springified-consumer:1.0-SNAPSHOT
- 8081:8881
- consumer.bootstrap-server: kafka:9092
- consumer.client-id: my-group
- consumer.client-id: consumer
+ spring.kafka.consumer.bootstrap-servers: kafka:9092
+ spring.kafka.consumer.group-id: my-group
+ spring.kafka.consumer.client-id: consumer
+ spring.kafka.producer.bootstrap-servers: kafka:9092
+ spring.kafka.producer.client-id: consumer
consumer.topic: test
- <artifactId>endless-consumer</artifactId>
+ <artifactId>springified-endless-consumer</artifactId>
- <name>Endless Consumer: a Simple Consumer-Group that reads and prints the topic and counts the received messages for each key by topic</name>
+ <name>Springified Endless Consumer: a Simple Consumer-Group that is implemented using Spring Kafka and reads and prints the topic and counts the received messages for each key by topic</name>