--- /dev/null
+package de.juplo.kafka;
+import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
+import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Producer;
+import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer;
+import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord;
+import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
+import org.springframework.web.context.request.async.DeferredResult;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+public class RestProducer
+ private final String id;
+ private final String topic;
+ private final Integer partition;
+ private final Producer<String, String> producer;
+ private long produced = 0;
+ @PostMapping(path = "{key}")
+ public DeferredResult<ProduceResult> send(
+ @PathVariable String key,
+ @RequestHeader(name = "X-id", required = false) Long correlationId,
+ @RequestBody String value)
+ {
+ DeferredResult<ProduceResult> result = new DeferredResult<>();
+ final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ final ProducerRecord<String, String> record = new ProducerRecord<>(
+ topic, // Topic
+ partition, // Partition
+ key, // Key
+ value // Value
+ );
+ record.headers().add("source", id.getBytes());
+ if (correlationId != null)
+ {
+ record.headers().add("id", BigInteger.valueOf(correlationId).toByteArray());
+ }
+ producer.send(record, (metadata, e) ->
+ {
+ long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ if (e == null)
+ {
+ produced++;
+ result.setResult(new ProduceSuccess(metadata.partition(), metadata.offset()));
+ log.debug(
+ "{} - Sent key={} message={} partition={}/{} timestamp={} latency={}ms",
+ id,
+ record.key(),
+ record.value(),
+ metadata.partition(),
+ metadata.offset(),
+ metadata.timestamp(),
+ now - time
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result.setErrorResult(new ProduceFailure(e));
+ log.error(
+ "{} - ERROR key={} timestamp={} latency={}ms: {}",
+ id,
+ record.key(),
+ metadata == null ? -1 : metadata.timestamp(),
+ now - time,
+ e.toString()
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ log.trace(
+ "{} - Queued message with key={} latency={}ms",
+ id,
+ record.key(),
+ now - time
+ );
+ return result;
+ }
+ @ExceptionHandler
+ @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
+ public ErrorResponse illegalStateException(IllegalStateException e)
+ {
+ return new ErrorResponse(e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value());
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-package de.juplo.kafka;
-import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
-import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Producer;
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer;
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord;
-import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
-import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
-import org.springframework.web.context.request.async.DeferredResult;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-public class RestProducer
- private final String id;
- private final String topic;
- private final Integer partition;
- private final Producer<String, String> producer;
- private long produced = 0;
- @PostMapping(path = "{key}")
- public DeferredResult<ProduceResult> send(
- @PathVariable String key,
- @RequestHeader(name = "X-id", required = false) Long correlationId,
- @RequestBody String value)
- {
- DeferredResult<ProduceResult> result = new DeferredResult<>();
- final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
- final ProducerRecord<String, String> record = new ProducerRecord<>(
- topic, // Topic
- partition, // Partition
- key, // Key
- value // Value
- );
- record.headers().add("source", id.getBytes());
- if (correlationId != null)
- {
- record.headers().add("id", BigInteger.valueOf(correlationId).toByteArray());
- }
- producer.send(record, (metadata, e) ->
- {
- long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
- if (e == null)
- {
- produced++;
- result.setResult(new ProduceSuccess(metadata.partition(), metadata.offset()));
- log.debug(
- "{} - Sent key={} message={} partition={}/{} timestamp={} latency={}ms",
- id,
- record.key(),
- record.value(),
- metadata.partition(),
- metadata.offset(),
- metadata.timestamp(),
- now - time
- );
- }
- else
- {
- result.setErrorResult(new ProduceFailure(e));
- log.error(
- "{} - ERROR key={} timestamp={} latency={}ms: {}",
- id,
- record.key(),
- metadata == null ? -1 : metadata.timestamp(),
- now - time,
- e.toString()
- );
- }
- });
- long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
- log.trace(
- "{} - Queued message with key={} latency={}ms",
- id,
- record.key(),
- now - time
- );
- return result;
- }
- @ExceptionHandler
- @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
- public ErrorResponse illegalStateException(IllegalStateException e)
- {
- return new ErrorResponse(e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value());
- }