Bypassing the Same-Origin-Policy For Local Files During Development

downloadable font: download failed …: status=2147500037

Are you ever stumbled accross weired errors with font-files, that could not be loaded, or SVG-graphics, that are not shown during local development on your machine using file:///-URI’s, though everything works as expected, if you push the content to a webserver and access it via HTTP? Furthermore, the browsers behave very differently here. Firefox, for example, just states, that the download of the font failed:

downloadable font: download failed (font-family: "XYZ" style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:0): status=2147500037 source: file:///home/you/path/to/font/xyz.woff

Meanwhile, Chrome just happily uses the same font. Considering the SVG-graphics, that are not shown, Firefox just does not show them, like it would not be able to at all. Chrome logs an error:

Unsafe attempt to load URL file:///home/you/path/to/project/img/sprite.svg#logo from frame with URL file:///home/you/path/to/project/templates/layout.html. Domains, protocols and ports must match

…though, no protocol, domain or port is involved.

The Same-Origin Policy

The reason for this strange behavior is the Same-origin policy. Chrome gives you a hint in this direction with the remark that something does not match. I found the trail, that lead me to this explanation, while googling for the strange error message, that Firefox gives for the fonts, that can not be loaded.

The Same-origin policy forbids, that locally stored files can access any data, that is stored in a parent-directory. They only have access to files, that reside in the same directory or in a directory beneath it.

You can read more about that rule on MDN.

I often violate that rule, when developing templates for dynamically rendered pages with Thymeleaf, or similar techniques. That is, because I like to place the template-files on a subdirectory of the directory, that contains my webapp (src/main/webapp with Maven):

+ src/main/webapp/
  + css/
  + img/
  + fonts/
  + thymeleaf/templates/

I packed a simple example-project for developing static templates with LESS, nodejs and grunt, that shows the problem and the quick solution for Firefox presented later. You can browse it on my, or clone it with:

git clone

Cross-Browser Solution

Unfortunately, there is no simple cross-browser solution, if you want to access your files through file:///-URI’s during development. The only real solution is, to access your files through the HTTP-protocol, like in production. If you do not want to do that, the only two cross-browser solutions are, to

  1. turn of the Same-origin policy for local files in all browsers, or
  2. rearrange your files in such a way, that they do not violate the Same-origin policy (as a rule, all resources linked in a HTML-file must reside in the same directory as the file, or beneath it).

The only real cross-browser solution is to circumvent the problem altogether and serve the content with a local webserver, so that you can access it through HTTP, like in production. You can read how to extend the example-project mentioned above to achieve that goal in a follow up article.

Turn Of Security

Turning of the Same-origin policy is not recommended. I would only do that, if you only use your browser, to access the HTML-files under development ‐ which I doubt, that it is the case. Anyway, this is a good quick test to validate, that the Same-origin policy is the source of your problems ‐ if you quickly re-enable it after the validation.

Set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false on the about:config-page.
Restart Chrome with --disable-web-security or --allow-file-access-from-files (for more, see this question on Stackoverflow).

Quick Fix For Firefox

If you develop with Firefox, there is a quick fix, to bypass the Same-origin policy for local files.

As the explanation on MDM stats, a file loaded in a frame shares the same origin as the file, that contains the frameset. This can be used to bypass the policy, if you place a file with a frameset in the topmost directory of your development-folder and load the template under development through that file.

In my case, the frameset-file looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>Frameset to Bypass Same-Origin-Policy
    <frame src="thymeleaf/templates/layout.html">

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