feat: Added a chatroom component, that is navigatable by the chatroom's ID
[demos/kafka/chat] / .vscode / tasks.json
1 {
2   // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
3   "version": "2.0.0",
4   "tasks": [
5     {
6       "type": "npm",
7       "script": "start",
8       "isBackground": true,
9       "problemMatcher": {
10         "owner": "typescript",
11         "pattern": "$tsc",
12         "background": {
13           "activeOnStart": true,
14           "beginsPattern": {
15             "regexp": "(.*?)"
16           },
17           "endsPattern": {
18             "regexp": "bundle generation complete"
19           }
20         }
21       }
22     },
23     {
24       "type": "npm",
25       "script": "test",
26       "isBackground": true,
27       "problemMatcher": {
28         "owner": "typescript",
29         "pattern": "$tsc",
30         "background": {
31           "activeOnStart": true,
32           "beginsPattern": {
33             "regexp": "(.*?)"
34           },
35           "endsPattern": {
36             "regexp": "bundle generation complete"
37           }
38         }
39       }
40     }
41   ]
42 }