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34           <h2>Work In Progress&#8230;</h2>
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50         <h1>Hibernate Maven Plugin</h1>
51         <p><strong>A simple Plugin for generating a Database-Schema from Hibernate Mappings</strong></p>
52         <p>hibernate-maven-plugin is a plugin for generating a database-schema from your Hibernate mappings and create or update your database accordingly. Its main usage is to automatically create and populate a test-database for unit-tests in cooperation with the dbunit-maven-plugin.</p>
53         <p><a href="/hibernate-maven-plugin/index.html" title="Visit the plugin-documentation">Learn more...</a></p>
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60           <li><a href="http://juplo.de/show-spring-boot-auto-configuration-report-when-running-via-mvn-spring-boot-run/">Show Spring-Boot Auto-Configuration-Report When Running Via &#8220;mvn spring-boot:run&#8221;</a></li>
61           <li><a href="http://juplo.de/parsing-json-from-facebooks-graph-api-using-jackson-2-x-and-javas-new-time-api/">Parsing JSON From Facebooks Graph-API Using Jackson 2.x And Java&#8217;s New Time-API</a></li>
62           <li><a href="http://juplo.de/problems-deploying-a-spring-boot-app-as-war/">Problems Deploying A Spring-Boot-App As WAR</a></li>
63           <li><a href="http://juplo.de/hibernate-maven-plugin-2-0-0-released/">hibernate-maven-plugin 2.0.0 released!</a></li>
64           <li><a href="http://juplo.de/release-of-a-maven-plugin-to-maven-central-fails-with-error-unknown-tag-goal/">Release Of A Maven-Plugin to Maven Central Fails With &#8220;error: unknown tag: goal&#8221;</a></li>
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