
  1. HttpResources
  2. Franz


A library to serve remote content as Spring Resources

In theory, Spring can deal with remote resources out of the box. Spring Resources come with a build-in handler for remote resources (UrlResource). But the implementation is only a simple wrapper around and does not address more sophisticated use-cases, that need efficient cached access to remote resources.

This project aims to fill this gap. It was developed as part of a project, that hat to separate the development of the server-side logic from the process of the draft and creation of the web user interface. As we belive, that this is a very common requirement, we decided to reveal our solution as open source.

http-resources was developed alongside with a cooperating project called thymeproxy, that adds tooling to fetch all templates and resources, that are needed to render content with Thymeleaf.

Find out how you can use http-resources in your project: Getting Started

