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48           <header><h1>Continuous Integration</h1></header>
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50 <h2><a name="Overview"></a>Overview</h2><a name="Overview"></a>
51 <p>This project uses <a class="externalLink" href="">Continuum</a>.</p></div>
52 <div class="section">
53 <h2><a name="Access"></a>Access</h2><a name="Access"></a>
54 <p>The following is a link to the continuous integration system used by the project.</p>
55 <div class="source">
56 <pre><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></pre></div></div>
57 <div class="section">
58 <h2><a name="Notifiers"></a>Notifiers</h2><a name="Notifiers"></a>
59 <p>Configuration for notifying developers/users when a build is unsuccessful, including user information and notification mode.</p>
60 <table border="0" class="bodyTable">
61 <tr class="a">
62 <th>Type</th>
63 <th>Address</th>
64 <th>Configuration</th></tr>
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66 <td>mail</td>
67 <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td>
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