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21       <h2 class="nav menu">Section-Menu</h2>
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23         <li class="m blog"><a href="blog.html" th:href="@{/blog.html}" class="m">Blog</a></li>
24         <li class="m projects"><a href="projects.html" th:href="@{/projects.html}" class="m">Projects</a></li>
25         <li class="m about"><strong class="m">About</strong></li>
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27       <h2 class="nav submenu"><span class="s">Submenu for section </span><strong class="s">About</strong></h2>
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29         <li class="s sub"><a href="expertise.html" th:href="@{/expertise.html}" class="s">Expertise</a></li>
30         <li class="s sub"><a href="references.html" th:href="@{/references.html}" class="s">References</a></li>
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34     <article class="main" layout:fragment="maincontent">
35       <header><h1>About</h1></header>
36       <p>
37         <span class="logo">juplo</span> is the place, where I collect and share
38         my more or less private projects.
39         It is a lab for experiments, that help me to do my job as a freelancer
40         at the desired level of quality.
41         Here, I can play with all the fancy new stuff, that might be a little
42         bit to much bleeding edge, to be used on a production site of a paying
43         client.
44       </p>
45       <p>
46         I decided to share all this stuff, because I am always learning a lot
47         from the internet-community.
48         I wanted to give back a little and try to help and teach others, as I
49         was helped and teached.
50         Also, this is a good oportunity, to show what I am doing and to do a 
51         little self-publicity...
52       </p>
53       <p>
54         <span class="logo">juplo</span> mainly consists of two parts:
55       </p>
56       <ul>
57         <li>
58           In the <a href="blog.html" th:href="@{/blog.html}">blog</a>, I summarize, how I solved
59           some every-day problems, other people might stumble across too.
60           I am introducing new projects there and announcing new versions and/or
61           bugfixes to older projects.
62         </li>
63         <li>
64           The other part of the site is the
65           <a href="projects.html" th:href="@{/projects.html}">projects-section</a>.
66           This is where I am hosting all projects, that I have made publicy
67           available.
68         </li>
69       </ul>
70       <p>
71         If you want to hire me, you can find out more on the
72         <a href="contact.html" th:href="@{/contact.html}">contact-page</a>.
73         If you are not yet sure, if you want to hire me, you might be
74         interessted in
75         <a href="expertise.html" th:href="@{/expertise.html}">what I can do for you</a>, or 
76         <a href="references.html" th:href="@{/references.html}">what I have already done for others</a>.
77       </p>
78     </article>
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80       <li class="f" id="copyright">© <strong>mo</strong> 2013</li>
81       <li class="f"><a class="f" href="impressum.html" th:href="@{/impressum.html}">Impressum</a></li>
82       <li class="f about"><strong class="f">About</strong></li>
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