descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownerKai Moritz
last changeFri, 3 Jun 2022 11:56:27 +0000 (13:56 +0200)
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzGit ignores the build directory of the Spring-Consumer master
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzSome private notes, concerning the revealed insights...
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzThe contract-test uses a random port on the provider
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzAdded a contract-test, that is implemented as a Spring...
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzFixed an issue with the matching of the URIs for `actions`
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzFurther aligned the contracts: name and method are...
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzMade Gradle check the version of the pact, that was...
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzDefined all contracts in a single pact, like in the...
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzRe-staged the contract for `delete order`
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzRe-staged the contract for `get root`
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzRe-staged the contract for `get all orders`
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzMigrated the example from the classic DSL to the Lambda-DSL
2022-06-03 Kai MoritzAdded a Spring-based consumer
2022-05-30 Kai MoritzChecked in the generated contract for comparison
2022-05-30 Kai MoritzFixed the consumer-contract
2021-01-12 Ronald Holshausenchore: bump Pact-JS version to latest
23 months ago wip-umbau-array-contains
22 months ago github-example-provider-java-siren
22 months ago github-example-consumer-js-siren
22 months ago example-consumer-java-siren
22 months ago master