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1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html
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4     xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org"
5     th:fragment="layout(uri,maincontent)"
6     thymeproxy:variables="SET:sitemap.json"
7     >
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13     <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/juplo.css" th:href="@{/css/juplo.css}">
14     <link rel="caononical" href="layout.html" th:replace="${scripts_head}?:~{}">
15   </head>
16   <body
17       th:fragment="body(uri, maincontent, marginalcontent)"
18       thymeproxy:variables="${json}"
19       th:with="crumbs=${_crumbs.get(uri)}"
20       >
21     <nav class="section column is-8-desktop is-offset-2-desktop">
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24           <a class="navbar-item" href="../index.html" th:href="@{/}" title="Home">
25             <img src="/img/logo.svg" alt="juplo" class="logo">
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28           <a role="button" class="navbar-burger" aria-label="menu" aria-expanded="false" data-target="navbar">
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35         <div id="navbar" class="navbar-menu">
36           <div class="navbar-start" th:each="entry : ${_sections}">
37             <a class="navbar-item" href="../blog/" th:href="@{${entry.value}}" th:text="${_titles.get(entry.value)}">Blog</a>
38             <!--/*-->
39             <a class="navbar-item" href="../projects.html">Projects</a>
40             <a class="navbar-item" href="../about.html">About</a>
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53             <strong>You are here:</strong>
54             <ul>
55               <li><a href="../index.html" th:href="@{/index.html}">Home</a></li>
56               <li th:each="crumb: ${crumbs}"><a href="../projects.html" th:href="@{${crumb}}" th:text="${_titles.get(crumb)}">Projects</a></li>
57               <!--/*-->
58               <li class="is-active"><a class="b" th:text="${title}">Fix SWF</a></li>
59               <!--*/-->
60             </ul>
61             <a href="#nav" title="Show navigation menu">Jump to navigation</a>
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68         <div class="columns">
69           <nav id="nav" class="column is-3-tablet is-3-desktop content" th:include="~{::#navigation}?:_" th:with="section=${crumbs != null ? crumbs[0] : null}">
70             <a class="hide" href="#top" title="Show Content">Jump back to the top of the page</a>
71             <h1 class="nav">Navigation</h1>
72             <h2 class="nav menu">Section-Menu</h2>
73             <ul id="menu" class="cf">
74               <li class="m blog" th:each="entry : ${_sections}" th:class="'m ' + ${entry.key}">
75                 <a href="../blog/" th:href="@{${entry.value}}" class="m" th:class="${entry.value == section} ? 'm selected' : 'm'" th:text="${_titles.get(entry.value)}">Blog</a>
76               </li>
77               <!--/*-->
78               <li class="m projects"><a href="../projects.html" class="m selected">Projects</a></li>
79               <li class="m about"><a href="../about.html" class="m">About</a></li>
80               <!--*/-->
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82             <h2 class="nav submenu">
83               <span class="s">Submenu for section</span>
84               <a class="s selected" href="../projects.html" th:href="@{${section}}" th:text="${_titles.get(section)}">Projects</a>
85             </h2>
86             <ul th:include="${submenu}?:_"
87                 th:with="
88                   len=${crumbs.size()},
89                   submenu=${_childs.get(section)},
90                   parent=${crumbs[0]},
91                   pos=1"
92                 id="submenu"
93                 class="s"
94                 th:class="'s' + (${len == 1 or (len == 2 and _childs.get(uri) == null)} ? ' selected' : '')"
95                 >
96               <li th:fragment="submenu(submenu, parent, pos)"
97                   th:each="entry : ${submenu}"
98                   th:with="
99                       child=${pos == len},
100                       selected=${!child and crumbs.get(pos) == entry},
101                       sibling=${pos + 1 == len and (_childs.get(uri) == null or uri == parent)},
102                       childs=${entry == parent ? null : _childs.get(entry)}
103                       "
104                   class="s sub"
105                   th:class="'s' + (${childs} ? ' sub' : '') + (${selected or sibling or child} ? '' : ' off')"
106                   >
107                 <a  href="../potemkin/fix-swf/overview.html"
108                     th:if="${entry != parent}"
109                     th:href="@{${entry}}"
110                     class="s selected"
111                     th:class="${selected} ? 's selected' : 's'"
112                     th:text="${_titles.get(entry)}"
113                     >fix-swf</a>
114                 <ul th:if="${selected and childs != null}"
115                     class="s active"
116                     th:class="'s' + (${selected &amp;&amp; pos == crumbs.size()-1} ? ' active' : '') + (${entry == uri or (len &gt; 1 and entry == crumbs.get(len-2) and _childs.get(uri) == null)} ? ' selected' : '')"
117                     >
118                   <li th:replace="this :: submenu(submenu=${childs}, parent=${entry}, pos=${pos + 1})"
119                       class="s"
120                       >
121                     <strong class="s">Overview</strong>
122                   </li>
123                   <!--/*-->
124                   <li class="s"><a href="../potemkin/fix-swf/getting-started.html" class="s">Getting Started</a></li>
125                   <li class="s"><a href="#" class="s">FAQ</a></li>
126                   <li class="s"><a href="#" class="s">Documentation</a></li>
127                   <!--*/-->
128                 </ul>
129               </li>
130               <!--/*-->
131               <li class="s sub off"><a href="#" class="s">hibernate4-maven-plugin</a></li>
132               <li class="s off"><a href="#" class="s">jquery.openx</a></li>
133               <li class="s sub off"><a href="../potemkin/html-experimente.html" th:href="@{/potemkin/html-experimente.html}" class="s">HTML-Experimente</a></li>
134               <li class="s sub off"><a href="#" class="s">accelerator</a></li>
135               <li class="s off"><a href="../potemkin/typo.html" th:href="@{/potemkin/typo.html}" class="s">Typography</a></li>
136               <!--*/-->
137             </ul>
138             <hr class="n"/>
139           </nav>
140           <div class="column is-9-tablet is-8-desktop content" th:include="${maincontent}">
141             <h1 class="title" th:include="${title}">Title</h1>
142             <div class="content" th:fragment="maincontent">
143               <p>
144                 <strong>Lorem ipsum</strong> dolor
145                 <a href="../potemkin/typo.html" th:href="@{/potemkin/typo.html}">sit amet</a>,
146                 consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
147                 labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
148                 <a href="../potemkin/html-experimente.html" th:href="@{/potemkin/html-experimente.html}">exercitation</a>
149                 ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute
150                 irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore
151                 eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
152                 proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
153                 laborum.
154               </p>
155               <h2 class="title">Duis aute irure dolor</h2>
156               <ul>
157                 <li>Operators and other mathematical stuff: -+/*</li>
158                 <li>
159                   Characters offten used in programming languages:
160                   {(&lt;&gt;)}@$?%*#;:&amp;/\!^&#034;&#039;`~
161                 </li>
162                 <li>Special german characters: ÄäÖöÜü</li>
163                 <li>Other special characters: @?¢§%°</li>
164               </ul>
165               <h2 class="title">Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat</h2>
166               <p>
167                 Lorem ipsum dolor <em>sit amet</em>, consectetur adipisicing elit,
168                 sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
169                 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
170                 nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
171                 reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
172                 pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
173                 culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
174               </p>
175               <p>
176                 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
177                 eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
178                 <strong>Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud <em>exercitation
179                 ullamco</em> laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat</strong>.
180                 Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
181                 cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
182                 cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit
183                 anim id est laborum.
184               </p>
185               <ul>
186                 <li>
187                   <code><a href="https://github.com/jgthms/bulma">bulma</a></code>
188                 </li>
189                 <li>
190                   <code><a href="https://github.com/sass/node-sass">node-sass</a></code> to compile your own Sass file
191                 </li>
192                 <li>
193                   <code><a href="https://github.com/postcss/postcss-cli">postcss-cli</a></code> and <code><a href="https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer">autoprefixer</a></code> to add support for older browsers
194                 </li>
195                 <li>
196                   <code><a href="https://babeljs.io/docs/usage/cli/">babel-cli</a></code>,
197                   <code><a href="https://github.com/babel/babel-preset-env">babel-preset-env</a></code>
198                   and
199                   <code><a href="https://github.com/jmcriffey/babel-preset-es2015-ie">babel-preset-es2015-ie</a></code>
200                   for compiling ES6 JavaScript files
201                 </li>
202               </ul>
203               <p>
204                 Apart from <code>package.json</code>, the following files are included:
205               </p>
206               <ul>
207                 <li>
208                   <code>.babelrc</code> configuration file for <a href="https://babeljs.io/">Babel</a>
209                 </li>
210                 <li>
211                   <code>.gitignore</code> common <a href="https://git-scm.com/">Git</a> ignored files
212                 </li>
213                 <li>
214                   <code>index.html</code> this HTML5 file
215                 </li>
216                 <li>
217                   <code>_sass/main.scss</code> a basic SCSS file that <strong>imports Bulma</strong> and explains how to <strong>customize</strong> your styles, and compiles to <code>css/main.css</code>
218                 </li>
219                 <li>
220                   <code>_javascript/main.js</code> an ES6 JavaScript that compiles to <code>lib/main.js</code>
221                 </li>
222               </ul>
223               <h3>Try it out!</h3>
224               <p>
225                 To see if your setup works, follow these steps:
226               </p>
227               <ol>
228                 <li>
229                   <p>
230                     <strong>Move</strong> to this directory:
231                     <br />
232                     <pre><code>cd bulma-start</code></pre>
233                   </p>
234                 </li>
235                 <li>
236                   <p>
237                     <strong>Install</strong> all dependencies:
238                     <br />
239                     <pre><code>npm install</code></pre>
240                   </p>
241                 </li>
242                 <li>
243                   <p>
244                     <strong>Start</strong> the CSS and JS watchers:
245                     <br />
246                     <pre><code>npm start</code></pre>
247                   </p>
248                 </li>
249                 <li>
250                   <p>
251                     <strong>Edit</strong> <code>_sass/main.scss</code> by adding the following rule at the <strong>end</strong> of the file:
252                     <br />
253                     <pre><span style="color: #22863a;">html</span> {
254     <span style="color: #005cc5;"><span style="color: #005cc5;">background-color</span></span>: <span style="color: #24292e">$green</span>;
255   }</pre>
256                   </p>
257                 </li>
258               </ol>
259               <p>
260                 The page background should turn <strong class="has-text-success">green</strong>!
261               </p>
262               <h3>Get started</h3>
263               <p>
264                 You're <strong>ready</strong> to create your own designs with Bulma. Just edit or duplicate this page, or simply create a new one!
265                 <br>
266                 For example, this page is <strong>only</strong> built with the following <strong>Bulma elements</strong>:
267               </p>
268             </div>
269             <!--/*-->
270             <table class="table is-bordered is-fullwidth">
271               <thead>
272                 <tr>
273                   <th>Type</th>
274                   <th>CSS class</th>
275                 </tr>
276               </thead>
277               <tbody>
278                 <tr>
279                   <th>Columns</th>
280                   <td>
281                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/columns/basics">columns</a></code>
282                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/columns/basics">column</a></code>
283                   </td>
284                 </tr>
285                 <tr>
286                   <th>Layout</th>
287                   <td>
288                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/layout/section">section</a></code>
289                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/layout/container">container</a></code>
290                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/layout/footer">footer</a></code>
291                   </td>
292                 </tr>
293                 <tr>
294                   <th>Elements</th>
295                   <td>
296                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/elements/button">button</a></code>
297                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/elements/content">content</a></code>
298                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/elements/title">title</a></code>
299                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/elements/title">subtitle</a></code>
300                   </td>
301                 </tr>
302                 <tr>
303                   <th>Form</th>
304                   <td>
305                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/form/general">field</a></code>
306                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/form/general">control</a></code>
307                   </td>
308                 </tr>
309                 <tr>
310                   <th>Helpers</th>
311                   <td>
312                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/modifiers/typography-helpers/">has-text-centered</a></code>
313                     <code><a href="http://bulma.io/documentation/modifiers/typography-helpers/">has-text-weight-semibold</a></code>
314                   </td>
315                 </tr>
316               </tbody>
317             </table>
318             <div class="content">
319               <p>
320                 If you want to <strong>learn more</strong>, follow these links:
321               </p>
322             </div>
323             <div class="field is-grouped">
324               <p class="control">
325                 <a class="button is-medium is-primary" href="http://bulma.io">
326                   <strong class="has-text-weight-semibold">Bulma homepage</strong>
327                 </a>
328               </p>
329               <p class="control">
330                 <a class="button is-medium is-link" href="http://bulma.io/documentation/overview/start/">
331                   <strong class="has-text-weight-semibold">Documentation</strong>
332                 </a>
333               </p>
334             </div>
335             <!--*/-->
336           </div>
337           <aside class="column is-hidden-touch is-2-desktop content" th:insert="${marginalcontent}?:~{}">
338           <!--/* the following  is only visible during natural templating -->
339             <h1>Other nasty but marginal stuff</h1>
340             <p>
341               Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
342               eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim
343               ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
344               aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
345               reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
346               pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
347               culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
348             </p>
349           </aside>
350           <aside class="m">
351             <h1>More nasty stuff</h1>
352             <p>
353               This one is really short!
354             </p>
355           <!--*/-->
356           </aside>
357         </div>
358       </div>
359     </section>
360     <footer class="footer">
361       <div class="container">
362         <div class="columns">
363           <div class="column is-8-desktop is-offset-2-desktop">
364             <div class="level">
365               <div class="level-left">
366                 <span class="level-item">© <strong>mo</strong> 2021</span>
367               </div>
368               <div class="level-right" id="footerlinks" th:include="~{::#links}?:_">
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