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[website] / dist / templates / error.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html
3     xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
4     xmlns:layout="http://www.thymeleaf.org"
5     layout:decorator="templates/layout"
6     th:with="uri='/templates/error.html', contentclass='nomenu'"
7     >
8   <head>
9     <title>An Unexpected Error Occured!</title>
10     <!--/*-->
11     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/base.min.css"/>
12     <style type="text/css">
13       @import '../css/screen.min.css' screen;
14       @import '../css/print.min.css' print;
15     </style>
16     <!--*/-->
17   </head>
18   <body>
19     <ol layout:fragment="breadcrumb">
20       <li class="b"><strong class="b">An Unexpected Error Occured!</strong></li>
21     </ol>
22     <nav layout:fragment="navigation">
23       <hr class="n"/>
24       <a class="hide" href="#top" title="Show Content">Jump back to the top of the page</a>
25       <h1 class="nav">Navigation</h1>
26       <h2 class="nav menu">Section-Menu</h2>
27       <ul id="menu" class="cf">
28         <li class="m blog"><a href="../blog.html" th:href="@{/blog.html}" class="m">Blog</a></li>
29         <li class="m projects"><a href="../projects" th:href="@{/projects.html}" class="m">Projects</a></li>
30         <li class="m about"><a href="../about.html" th:href="@{/about.html}" class="m">About</a></li>
31       </ul>
32     </nav>
33     <article class="main" layout:fragment="maincontent">
34       <header><h1>An Unexpected Error Occured!</h1></header>
35       <p>We do not know, what happend.</p>
36       <p>But we can tell you: WE ARE SORRY!</p>
37       <p>Really.</p>
38     </article>
39   </body>
40 </html>